Glace Guides
Executive/Hr Guides PErmit RequestHere, you will be able to find all of our Permit Request Forms. To request one or more of these permits, you simply need to fill out the according form below. Once you have signed up for a permit, a mentor will reach out to you within 3-4 weeks. Additionally, you should not be signing up for a permit if you do not have the required rank. Unless stated otherwise, anyone with the rank of Chief Communications Officer can achieve these permits. ● Hosting Permit...
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Human Resources Information
(Leaked by Papanomalyy1)
Staff Supervision
As a Human Resources member, your main job is...
Consequential Guide
(Leaked by Papanomalyy1)
The consequential guide is an in-depth guide to all punishable...
Washiez Guides
(leaked by Papanomalyy1)
(if you have other guides, please add me on Discord username:...
Junior Operator Guide
(leaked by Papanomalyy1)
Notes Stage
Make sure everyone finds a seat and is in the...
Senior Operator Guide
(leaked by Papanomalyy1)
Review Stage
Make sure everyone finds a seat and is in the...