We understand that people have some questions sometimes, but here are the most frequently asked questions about our website and also answers to all of them!
Q: How often are your servers up?
A: We try to keep our servers up 99.99%!
But sometimes it can happen that a website is down for a while, so you can check if our site is down or not.
But also check the history if our server has been down in the last month.
You can check the server status here: https://stats.uptimerobot.com/pCvoRPbmtA
Q: I need to verify my account.
A: You can apply to get verified here: https://witteroo.com/settings/verification
Q: Is Witteroo free to use?
A: Yes! Using our website is completely free. We exist thanks to the fact that we display advertisements on our website. If you would like to avoid seeing ads, you can always pay for this.
Q: How do I cancel my subscription to the pro package?
A: Sorry that you want to cancel your subscription! You cancel it by following this link: https://witteroo.com/settings/membership
Q: Can I get a refund from the PRO package?
A: As your membership is created as quickly as we have received your payment, we cannot offer a refund.
But in some individual cases, we may still agree to refund that amount to you.
Q: How do I get in touch with you?
A: There are different methods to contact us.
You can probably write to us via our page: https://witteroo.com/pages/witteroo
Or via the contact form that you can find here: https://witteroo.com/contacts
Q: I lost access to my account. What can I do?
A: If for any reason you should lose access to your account, please contact us using one of the options above.
But you can also try to reset your password before you choose to contact us!
Q: I can't get into my account that has Two-Factor Authentication enabled. What can I do?
A: We understand that sometimes you lose access to a phone number or email address.
If you cannot access your account because Two-Factor Authentication is enabled, please contact us via our contact form.
We ask you to fill in as much information as possible, such as the name you used on your account, the email address associated with your account, etc. Also phone number if you filled this in!
Also be prepared that our team may ask you to attach a photo of your passport, driver's license or national ID card.
Q: Do Witteroo sell personal information?
A: The short answer is no!
We have never, and will never sell any information about our users.
We take all Privacy very seriously.
Q: Do you collect information from your users?
A: Yes we do! It is because we are required to do so by law.
Q: Can I request information you have from me?
A: Yes! You can at any time download your information at: https://witteroo.com/settings/information